Tag Archives: AzureAD

CSP access to tenants using powershell. Part 4

This is a small script that connects to partnercenter list all customers tenants and let you select one. When one is selected it connects to azuread and az for that customer.

All my credentials are stored in SecretServer . I use a web service request to get those credentials. I will show these modules in a later post.

import-module partnercenter

#$app = AppID + AppKey
$app=Get-SecretID -secretID xxxx
#rt = refreshtoken.
$rt=Get-SecretID -secretID yyyy
$tid="'csp tenant directory id'"

#Connect PartnerCenter
$pcToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Resource https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com -Credential $app -TenantId $tid
Connect-PartnerCenter -AccessToken $pcToken.AccessToken -ApplicationId $app.username -TenantId $tid

    $customers=get-partnercustomer | sort-object -Property name
    foreach($cust in $customers){
        Write-Host "$($counter) - $($cust.Name) - $($cust.domain)"
    $custid=Read-Host "Enter customer #"
    Write-host " Targeting : $($customer.name) - $($customer.Domain)"

$azureToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -Resource "https://graph.microsoft.com/" -Credential $app -RefreshToken $refreshtoken -TenantId $customer.CustomerId
$graphToken = New-PartnerAccessToken -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Resource "https://graph.windows.net/" -Credential $app -TenantId $customer.CustomerId  

Connect-Azuread -aadAccessToken $graphToken.AccessToken -msAccessToken $azureToken.AccessToken -TenantId $customer.CustomerId  -AccountId $app.username

$azure2Token = New-PartnerAccessToken -Resource https://management.azure.com/ -Credential $app -RefreshToken $refreshtoken -TenantId $customer.CustomerId
$graph2Token = New-PartnerAccessToken -RefreshToken $refreshToken -Resource https://graph.windows.net/ -Credential $app -TenantId $customer.CustomerId  

 Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $azure2Token.AccessToken -GraphAccessToken $graph2Token.AccessToken -TenantId $customer.CustomerId  -AccountId $app.username