How can you get your external IP address from powershell? I use a simple script to query an external public web service. The service I’m using is hosted by . I have created a small function that is placed in my powershell library. All my modules are loaded by using powershell profiles.
This simple function uses rest. Usage is simple : get-mypublicip . Could easily be uses in script (get-mypublicip).ip .
function get-mypublicip{
Write-Verbose "Resolving external IP"
try {
$ipaddr = Invoke-RestMethod #| Select-Object -ExpandProperty ip
catch {
throw "Can't get external IP Address. Quitting."
if ($ipaddr -eq $null) { throw "Can't get external IP Address. Quitting." }
Write-Verbose "External IP is $ipaddr"
return $ipaddr