Lync server 2013 Error: Prerequisite installation failed: SqlInstanceRtc

When installing Lync server 2013  this error bugged me.

What could be wrong. with SqlExpress? Tried installing “sqlexpr_64.exe” from the DVD and here is my problem.

Something went wrong when I downloaded the ISO image. Deleted the downloaded imaged and did a new download. After mounting the image I ran setup.exe and the same error appeared. I then remembered that Lync setup copies setup files to the cache. Deleted Lync setup cache directory from “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Lync Server\Deployment”. After this the install ran perfectly.

Export users contacts from Lync 2010 and import into Lync 2013

You can do a dbimpexp from Lync 2010 to a xml file. Lync 2013 does not use dbimpexp more, but have a native import-csuserdata.

These two commands does not use the same fileformat – this is where convert-csuserdata can help. This command convert from dbimpexp xml format to the zip(xml) format used by import-csuserdata.

convert-csuserdata -PoolFqdn Lyncpool.test.local -InputFile FromLync2010.xml -OutFile -TargetVersion Current


TargetVersion can be “Current” or “Lync2010” so this command can be used to convert between the two Versions.


ABServer.exe crashes every 4 minutes.


Abserver.exe in Lync crashes every 4 minutes.

Event ID 12330:Failed starting a worker process. Process: ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Server\Core\ABServer.exe’ Exit Code: C3E8302D!_HRX! (The worker process failed to initialize itself in the maximum allowable time.!_HRM!). Cause: This could happen due to low resource conditions or insufficient privileges.

Resolution: Try restarting the server. If the problem persists contact Product Support Services.

Event ID12331: Worker process exited prematurely. The process will be automatically restarted. Process: ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Server\Core\ABServer.exe’ Exit Code: 0!_HRX! (The operation completed successfully. !_HRM!).

This can happen after a Lync server update (done via Windows updates). I had to run the Lync setup and update roles. After doing so these events disappeard from the server.


Lync Edge server stopped replicating CMS

At some time Lync edge server stopped replicating changes in configuration. Also a “get-csmanagementstorereplicationstatus” show False on Edge server.

Investigation shows that the firewall has not changed and you can telnet from frontend to edge on port 4443.

Alse got the same error in systemlog on edge server :

Description: When asking for client authentication, this server sends a list of trusted certification authorities to the client. The client uses this list to choose a client certificate that is trusted by the server. Currently, this server trusts so many certification authorities that the list has grown too long. This list has thus been truncated. The administrator of this machine should review the certification authorities trusted for client authentication and remove those that do not really need to be trusted. 

The reason for this is the update. This resulted in a trusted root ca list of 357 items. Solution is to configure server to not send trusted ca list to client (in this case another server).

Add registry key : (Method 3 :🙂

Value name: SendTrustedIssuerList
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0 (False)

Then I did a “invoke-csmanagementstorereplication” just to verify that replication now occurs.


Lync phone unable to sign in after windows update on Lync Server.

After update to Root Sertificates ( KB931125) You are constantly getting Warning in the eventlog. Also Lync Phones will be unable to sign in. The error message on the phone is that the “Registrar FQDN could not be resolved”.

UPDATED: On new Phones you will only get a message that login failed when trying to sign-in using extension and PIN.

On the Lync Frontend server:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Schannel
Event Category: None
Event ID: 36885
Date: date
Time: time
Description: When asking for client authentication, this server sends a list of trusted certification authorities to the client. The client uses this list to choose a client certificate that is trusted by the server. Currently, this server trusts so many certification authorities that the list has grown too long. This list has thus been truncated. The administrator of this machine should review the certification authorities trusted for client authentication and remove those that do not really need to be trusted.

The solution to this is to make the Lync server to not send the trusted root certification authority list.

Add registry key : (Method 3 : )

Value name: SendTrustedIssuerList
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0 (False)


This will be a problem for all services that requies client certificates thereby it could be a problem is you run NAC. 


Bitlocker protectors.

I wanted my drive to be protected from anyone but me, but as long as your computer is part of the domain every domain admin can logon and look at your data. So I used manage-bde.exe to encrypt my disk.

Putted the protector key on a USB-drive (As would have been the case if your computer did not have a supported TPM chip). Also was sure that the recovery-key did not ended up in AD as a attribute on the computer object.

From now (hopfully) I’am the only one that can access my folders on this disk ( Of couse you need to block any access to your drive from the network – firewall and block any policies).

Manage-bde.exe -status can tell you how or if your disk is protected.

Exchange 2013 ecp iis error

After installing Exchange 2013 I got this “Server Error in ‘/ecp’ Application” when entering “Exchange Admin Center” web page.

“Could not load type ‘Microsoft.Exchange.Managment.Security.AdfsFederationAuthModule'”

Solution: Exchange 2013 did not install the “Windows Identity Foundation 3.5” automatically. So all there is to it, add this feature.


Exchange 2012 Management Shell shortcut missing.

Make sure the required files are present in exchange bin folder:

(These can be copied from another Exchange or from install media – Version at the same servicepack level.)

  • – CommonConnectFunctions.ps1
  • – CommonConnectFunctions.strings.psd1
  • – Connect-ExchangeServer-help.xml
  • – ConnectFunctions.ps1
  • – ConnectFunctions.strings.psd1
  • – RemoteExchange.ps1
  • – RemoteExchange.strings.psd1

Create a New shortcut on desktop or somewhere else:


   C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -command “. ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1’; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto”

Start in : <blank>

Name : Exchange Management Shell

Change the icon : Paste it into the Browse text Box and press enter. Select Icon.




“User Profile Service failed the logon”

Got this error when I tried to log on to a Windows 2008R2 server. I have never logged on to this server before, so it was not that my profile could have been deleted.

Solution to this was that there was a file within the default profile that was missing som permissions.

In this senario it was “C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Configuration3648_100.sqm”

Logged on with local administrator account.

Added “users” and “everyone” the Read permissions.

Now I could log on with my own admin account.

Lync server 2013 prerequisite install.

When installing Lync server 2013 on a Windows server 2012 I got a missing prerequisite.

All you have to do is to install the “Windows Identity Foundation” feature.

Powershell: Add-WindowsFeature Windows-Identity-Foundation

To install all of required Windows features :

import-module servermanager
add-windowsfeature telnet-client,RSAT-ADDS,net-framework-45-core,windows-identity-foundation,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Http-Errors,web-asp-net,web-asp-net45,Web-Net-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Ext,web-isapi-filter,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Log-Libraries,Web-Http-Tracing,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-Scripting-Tools,Web-Client-Auth,server-media-foundation,MSMQ-Server,MSMQ-Directory,NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45

 To add “add-windowsfeature Web-Asp-Net,Web-Net-Ext ” your computer needs access to internet.


Lync CallerID black list / block list

After some time using Bing I have manged to do this. Thanks to : 

I wanted the caller that is blocked to get a announcment.

Step 1. Install Microsot Lync Server 2010/2013 SDK.

Step 2. Create a announcement using new-csannouncement.

New-CsAnnouncement -Identity “” -Name “NumberBlocked” -TextToSpeechPrompt “Sorry, Your call has been restricted” -Language “en-US” -whatif

Step 3. Create a unassigned number entry in Lync CP. I used +4787654321 as an example. assigning the announcement from step 2

Step 4. Create a BlockedNumbers.txt file on the Lync FE server share. Adding numbers and action ” +4712345678,block”, one on each line.

Step 5. Add the block/reroute script to “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Server\Core”. Called my scripte (attached file) Remember to edit the file. Replace entries with your unassigned number,fileshare and domain in the manifest part and contact entry.

Step 6. You could run the “compilespl.exe” to validate that it does not contain any compilatio errors.

Step 7. Register the with the lync pool. :

New-CsServerApplication -Identity “” -Uri  -ScriptName “” -Critical $False -Enabled $True -Priority 2 (2,22 kb)

-MS Stuff-