ABServer.exe crashes every 4 minutes.


Abserver.exe in Lync crashes every 4 minutes.

Event ID 12330:Failed starting a worker process. Process: ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Server\Core\ABServer.exe’ Exit Code: C3E8302D!_HRX! (The worker process failed to initialize itself in the maximum allowable time.!_HRM!). Cause: This could happen due to low resource conditions or insufficient privileges.

Resolution: Try restarting the server. If the problem persists contact Product Support Services.

Event ID12331: Worker process exited prematurely. The process will be automatically restarted. Process: ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Server\Core\ABServer.exe’ Exit Code: 0!_HRX! (The operation completed successfully. !_HRM!).

This can happen after a Lync server update (done via Windows updates). I had to run the Lync setup and update roles. After doing so these events disappeard from the server.


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