How to test network routing from remote Lync client.

Often we have to troubleshoot routing and firewall rules as seen from a client on a internal client subnets. I use PSEXEC and PORTQRY from Microsoft. This will work if it is a Windows pc and I have permissions to connect to it. Run these commands from a server in the server lan

I try to check if the port is open from the client to server ( :

\\clientpc.domain.local -c portqry.exe
-n -P TCP -e 443

If this fails I will run a tracert from the client to the server IP (

\\clientpc.domain.local tracert -h 8 -d

Exchange 2013 move mailbox staus : StalledDueToCI

Tried to move a mailbox from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, but the job would take forever. Status for the job was “StalledDueToCI” ( Get-MoveRequest | Get-MoveRequestStatistics | ft mailboxidentity,status ). I suspected this had something to do with ContentIndexing. And infact it does. Tried to reset Search index for the database containing the failed mailbox.

To reset Exchange search index for a database:

1.Stop Exchange search services:

2.Delete the search folder. Usually a folder inside the folder containing the database.

3.Start Exchange search service.

4. Check Index crawler status to see when it has finished: Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server <servername>| FL Name,*Index*

This worked for some short time. But it would fall back to failed.

After some time searching the Internet found some people claiming that this is a bug and that you would have to create a group i Active Directory named ContentSubmitters. After Checking Exchange Setup Validation I did not find this group mentioned. 

I do not like to do anything whitout knowing why so I tried to find a Microsoft  article describing this issue. And there it is :

Turned out there are 2 solutions to the problem.

1. Create the Active Directory group.


2. Disable Exchange 2013 from using/checking the group existense.

List members of dynamic groups show incorrect members.

If you use PowerShell to list members of dynamic distribution Groups in Exchange 2013 you would probably see more entries than expected. The PowerShell commands

$dgr=Get-DynamicDistributionGroup “GroupNAme”
Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter $dgr.RecipientFilter

does not take in to consideration OU filtering. If you look at $dgr.RecipientFiler it only contains the other attributes.

I do not know if this is a bug or by design.

Lync Phone Remote logs.

What does the “Enable Remote Logs” on a Lync Phone edition meen?

This is a feature for you to get logfiles from a phone that is not signed into. If someone are logged into the phone – Remote log Access will not work.

If you enable this feature on the phone it is possible to ftp to the phone and download log files. Remember  that you will need a Microsoft support tool to be able to read them properly.

Step1: Enable “Remote Log Access”

Step2: Find the phone’s IP address in the system information menu.

Step3: FTP to the IP address and log in as anonymous to download log files.

Replacement for TMG reverse proxy.

Are you looking for a replacement for TMG now that its end is nearing. You could buy a thirdparty reverseproxy from Sophos og some appliance. The simplest solution is probably to install a Windows server 2012(R2) and add ARR module to IIS.

To install this module you would use the
Microsoft Web Platform Installer

All information you will need are at the IIS web site :

Lync client will not get past “Contacting server….”

When you start the Lync Client and won’t get past “Contacting server..” ,and it never time’s out. It can be worth checking time on client and servers. Other users can sign in to Lync, even on the same PC. It will not help removing Lync client certificate, or reset password. Solution here is to check date and time on Lync server and Client – if it is Office365 it is your Client that has wrong time.